Thursday, February 5, 2009

LEADER-SHI IS 23~~~[24]

Howdy~[ short post today~] started this week for most [Australian] Students but I started last week! meaning I had 3 more days than everyone else~ and in those 3 days....

I had Careers and the field trip to the "Yakult Factory"[ I said this last time]

I've been TRYING to find my own time to myself. which is a fail seeing as I sleep at like the [mum wise] crazy hours of 11 and wake up at 6 cause I catch the school bus now.... which picks me up at 7.50 or somewhere near 7. I don't know... alright... I'm barely awake by then.

So yeah... it was Yunho's Birthday! YAY! on Friday! which was yesterday~ WOOT! and there's a major new break out.

supposedly... Kim Jae Joong also known as Hero [dude come on! It's DBSK~] has 2 birthdays... or Junsu....that's right...2! but tottaly different reasons. Junsu is cause of the birthdate and the registration date....

reason for Jae Joong:

1- the 26th of January: he was given that Birthday once he was adopted. and is his Adopted Fathers birthday also...

2- 4th of February: which was what...3 days ago? and that is his supposed ACTUAL birthdate. from his biological mother. [she pretty~] Credit: Facebook DBSK group

She put it up on her blog [it looks like a fanblog...*goes look for it*....(no luck)] but yeah! so 2 birthdays.... wouldn't you get confused?

but you could like... have 2 different parties for different people. the 1st one for family and friends and the 2nd one with anyone you want to...right? [i'm weird...Really now?]

But! the shine time is on YUNHO! LEADER-SHI IS 23!~~~[24]
I've been saying that all day yesterday at school and online~ [me stating again...i'm weird~]

So he's 23~ Just like Jae! [WHY IS THIS POINTING TO JAE AGAIN!...just another reason for me to say...JAEHO YUNJAE!]

but yeah! Leader-shi is 23! English wise... asian wise he is 24. WHO WANTS TO BE A YEAR OLDER! SERIOUSLY!? he is the 2nd Oldest! and IS the leader for the all powerfull, all hot and all sexy and most talented boy group in Asia~ DONG BANG SHIN KI!

yeah~ from Cute, Baby, overly protective brother Jung Yunho who was just an average dancing boy who use to live under the subways:

cre :DBSKnights & the Facebook group "DBSK"

To a still cute and over protecive brother BUT! with addition~ He's now Hot, Sexy and oh so manly~ [Lols to self](if you don't really notice..he is a brother...and OF COURSE he'd be over protective about his sister...most brothers are <__<>cre: DBSKnights + dnbn + facebook group "DBSK"

So all is well~
Love you Lots and hope You had a great Day~

Oh by the way this leads me on for my readers...

Dear Readers,
[i nearly spelled Raeders...sound cool though]

You all know that Eternal Love and Lovin you Till Death are almost finished....
if you haven't then you know now!
Well by the time you read this Lovin you till Death would be finished,
But yes...
This was something i would like to ask.
i have a number of new fanfics ready to be posted and or written....[i need to write most of the chapter actually~]
i was asking...which 2 would you like to see up once i finished or have finished...or is finished....[?]
here's the list:[ I have this much time on my hands...yet i can't update!]

Leaders Nightmares - Various One-Shots
[No Yaoi or Pairings]

Love in the air/Flight of Love/Flightless Love
(title in progress) [SuYin - yet again- YAY FOR SUYIN!]
and if you know me enough... I've posted this before...i stopped as soon as i got to chapter 12... didn't go well so i edited it...^^

Twin City
[DBSK maybe coupling...still deciding]

Hana Kimi
[DBSK version and MY version i just like the title is all~]

My First Love
[actually somewhat true! lols DBSK/RIIN/SNSD]

I can be Famous and Write FanFic
[Changmin & DBSK]

Love Life
[DBSK,SUJU and etc~]
Summary's in Wordpress~

comment please... don't need to be a member to comment me~

1 comment:

  1. hmm lol so far ive been a silent reader.. but... i tink id quite like to c... leader's nightmares, twin city and i can be famous and write fanfic... sorry i know u said 2.. n there's 3.. but i cnt choose between them 3!!! ^^"
