Thursday, January 22, 2009

100 Questions [I'm bored and i was forced to]

1.Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find line 4.
The long day of sailing placed a strain on all of us.

2.Stretch your left arm out as far as you can, What can you touch?
What? Touch with my hand? the air! i'm serious! the air!

Before you started this survey, what were you doing?

What is the last thing you watched on TV?
Wow wow wee [some random filo show] Go Google it...

Without looking, guess what time it is

Now look at the clock. What is the actual time?
9:12 T____T

With the exception of the computer, what can you hear?
Music and my brother listening to something, T.V, Sizzling of food... which i need to get back to before it burns~

When did you last step outside? What were you doing?
2 hours ago... throwing the rubbish in the bin....

Did you dream last night?
I was in a restaurant eating Okonomiyaki

Do you remember your dreams?
Yep~ all the time~

When did you last laugh?

Do you remember why / at what?
when i saw a butt naked Baby Kim Junsu

What is on the walls of the room you are in?
Certificates [proud asian parents] Drawings from Little brother, Hight chart, My drawing of a rice ball, a HUGE fan [i bet all asians have them] and a school calendar of the whole year...

Seen anything weird lately?
Butt naked Kim Junsu and a shrimp with a blueish looking head

What do you think of this quiz?
Boring.... I'm making time pass....

What is the last film you saw?
Innocent Steps

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

If you became a multi-millionaire overnight, what would you buy?
A House... or Food... I wouldn't buy actually... pay off anything i owed~ lmao

Tell something about you that most people don't know.
I hate Pink <___<>

If you could change one thing about the world, regardless of guilt or politics, what would you do?
Poverty~ =P hey it's not guikt OR politics.... and the lack of food~

Do you like to dance?

Would you ever consider living abroad?
Yeah...Why wouldn't i?

Does your name make any interesting anagrams?
Yep... ear, are, ear, rae, ear, ear~ hahaha~~ think of any more if you want~

Who made the last incoming call on your phone?
Don't have a phone [sadly~]... last call i got was... From a telemarketer~

What is the last thing you downloaded onto your computer?
A song to dance to~ lmao~

Last time you swam in a pool?
Last after school finished....

Type of music you like most?
Anything with a good beat.... and yu can dance to, sleep to and keep my cool~ [just in case i get mad at anything~...or stress]

Type of music you dislike most?

Are you listening to music right now?
Yes... why wouldn't I?

What color is your bedroom carpet?
I dunno it's a cross between brown black and cream T____T

If you could change something about your home, without worry about expense or mess, what would you do?
another room....<__<>

What was the last thing you bought?

Have you ever ridden on a motorbike?
*nods granticly* YESS!

Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving?

Do you have a garden?
I can barely call it a garden... It's just pots plants and concrete~

Do you really know all the words to your national anthem?
yep...not surprising....I don't know my OWN home COUNTRY THOUGH! [Filo Anthem]

What is the first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?
I need to check my mail... Or Gee I'm Hungry Or...Ah!! Crap... another morning~

If you could eat lunch with one famous person, who would it be?
SHIM CHANGMIN! he'd chose good food~

Who sent the last text message you received?
James: Hey don't forget to bring something to play at the beach with T___T

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
I don't have one... But if i did some random asian store~ ahaha or somewhere with AWESOME clothes.

What time is bed time?

Have you ever been in a beauty pageant?
no... why would I? Like I'll win anyways~

How many tattoos do you have?

If you don't have any, have you ever thought of getting one? cause i don't know what to do~

What did you do for your last birthday?
Eat at a korean Restaurant.... FAVOURITE BIRTHDAY EVAH!!

Do you carry a donor card?

Who was the last person you ate dinner with?
...No one usually... I eat dinner alone~.. But last night I ate with the Family~

Is the glass half empty or half full?
Depends on who you look at it...

What's the farthest-away place you've been?
Queensland...and Philippines~

When's the last time you ate a homegrown tomato?
...before i got sick eating one~ hahaha! I dunno...can't remember

Have you ever won a trophy?
....No... *looks down..kicks floor*

Are you a good cook?
Am I? You tell me...

Do you know how to pump your own gas?
No... I'm not even allowed to yet...

If you could meet any one person (from history or currently alive), who would it be?
Person? SHIM CHANGMIN! Or Park Yoochun.

Have you ever had to wear a uniform to school?
what do you mean had? I HAVE to....

Do you touch-type?
when i feel like it~~~ i am now~

What's under your bed?
Ralph~ BUt Under the mattress.... papers and books

Do you believe in love at first sight?
Depends on..... Yeah sure why not? It's like seeing a ghost~

Think fast, what do you like right now?

Where were you on Valentine's day?
Playing Hookie~ so i could avoid any valentine questions

What time do you get up?
9:30 Am

What was the name of your first pet?

Who is the second to last person to call you?
Danielle and Jenny

Is there anything going on this weekend?
CHinese/Vietnamese New year and I'm going to the Beach... and My cousin is going home...

How are you feeling right now?
Cold and Hangry

What do you think about the most?
what can i eat and DBSK

What time do you get up in the morning?
Depends on when I sleep

If you had A Big Win in the Lottery, how long would you wait to tell people?
Who would wait?

Who would you tell first?
Dunno... My family?

What is the last movie that you saw at the cinema?
Bedtime Stories

Do you sing in the shower?
haha~ sometimes

Which store would you choose to max out your credit card?
didn't you already ask me this?

What do you do most when you are bored?
PLay on the computer and bug people... and write a chapter for my stories~

What do you do for a living?
Be a teenager and live a life as a student~ what else? a Hooker?

Do you love your job?
What Job?

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Depends.... where will i be in the future? ><

If you could have any job, what would you want to do/be?

Which came first the chicken or the egg?
Chicken...[depends on your religion really]

How many keys on your key ring?
2. House keys and some random key to a safe i put money in.

Where would you retire to?
....some where in asia

What kind of car do you drive?
I don't drive but my parent's own a Toyota and a Ford...

What are your best physical features?
How should I know~?! I say my hair but i dougbt it~

What are your best characteristics?
Ask some one else~

If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go?
ASIAN! lmao~ First stop Korea then Japan... then somewhere with AWESOME food.

What kind of books do you like to read?
Fantasy and comedy~ and romance if i see one worthy of reading

Where would you want to retire to?

What is your favorite time of the day?
When i can go on the computer...or when i can eat~ or talk to people~

Where did you grow up?

How far away from your birthplace do you live now?
I HAVE NO IDEA!... Philippines to Australia.... You figure it out...

What are you reading now?
This stupid question~ and a Fanfic

Are you a morning person or a night owl?
BOth.. depends on what i'm doing during those times

Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
no~... It's weird <__<>

Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows?
Yes...*I just tried*

Do you have pets?
I did... ok I do... a dog~ lmao~

How many rings before you answer the phone?
1... If i'm close enough~if not... Untill some one answers it.. if not... about the 3rd or 4th~

What is your best childhood memory?
Annie spitting Orange Juice out of her nose~

What are some of the different jobs that you have had in your life?
I HAVEN'T HAD A JOB YET... oh wait.. Pamphlet posting~ hehe

Any new and exciting things that you would like to share?
I have a phobia of anything jiggly and alive~

What is most important in life?

What would you be doing if you were famous?
Doing something famous people do... like sing,dance OR WHAT EVER!... as long as i can Eat and sleep.. I'm fine~

why are you doing this?
I was forced to~

What Inspires You?
My friend Family and people who have it tough... and people who are fouse and who use to have it tough.

well I'm done~~~

Heyhey! i got a package from someone... and i was freaking out... then i found out it was from Garbo...~
oh and! and! I'm scared of tic tac toe.... Why? because that scary pop up face thing that's why... playing peacefully then GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH scary as dead face came up T____T
Oh and it takes me at least anhour to peel the shelly thing off shrimp...why you ask? well it's cause they are tiny as!
<------------------------> that was the biggest one... <-------> THAT WAS THE SMALLEST! <-------------> and THAT'S THE NORMAL ONE! T____T just for pancit....
ok.. I'm gonna eat cause I'm hungry~
and the one under it i made the GIF not the pictures... cute yeah?
and this is a GIF i made... TAKE THIS AND DIE! [so not hotlinking] I will hunt you down...

Our Little Drunkies~

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Markets ....

A hoy hoy~ I went to Springvale today!!!
and well... Yeah

Springvale! The central asian place in Dandenong! Woot!... even though it's a different Suburb...>__>WHO CARES! IT'S ASIAN! anyways.

I didn't really want to go because a friend was wabout to call me... But i was dragged to buy fruits and asian food. [Fish...and other asian food] I was sorta pissed... I was in the middle of writing something too!.

So me being dragged to a place where the car park was covered in bird crap. [who know what happened there] and it was flippin HOT! It was like 40 degrees [celsius] today! I was like...dying!. IN THE CAR!

So yeah. But the wind picked up and got a bit cooler.
I wanted to get my hair cut but my mum made the whole guilt trip thing going:

"are you sure you won't regret cutting your hair?"
"Don't come to me if you can't do anything with your hair"
"You're hair looks fine...Look it's hot and if you cut it you won't be able to put it up any more"
"keep your hair look it looks better"

If you were there you'd probably block all your sense to your ear and just walk off... sadly i couldn't....

So i didn't cut my hair... For once i didn't complain [wait i'm complaining now T____T crap~]
anyways... so i asked her if i could color my hair. Springvale eing springvale..and asian...

Go to one of those Aussie or European places getting a cut is like...20 Bucks or something and getting it coloured is like over 80!
But in springvale you can get it a colour and cut for probably 45... [I KNOW!]



she said no...again.. telling me they ave to take my old color off and and thehn re color it.. which is 80 itself...
I didn't...

So after all the bagging i gave up and started bugging my brother to keep my self occupied. but there was one thing that made me like... distracted.

Ok in an asian market if they sell a fruit [e.g: Nectarine]
They cut it and give you a try so... if it taste nice then you buy it [That's if you ant to]
so they would have it in a tray all cut up for you. It's a good idea... but! but! a bad one at the same time.

ok here's the story.
Me, My mum and Little brother saw one of our Church friends...[she came pretty far to buy mangoes]
and my mum and her were talking. so i was looking around the place popping the bubble wrap under the PawPaw's then i saw this little girl with her mum.
so i was like haha~ she looks cute [Like...she had really chubby cheeks]
so i was looking at her [not like that!] then i noticed she had the little plate of cut up fruit.
she was eating some so i was like alright shes eating the fruit... and her mum is buying it... then i saw her take a bit of one... made a face AND PUT IT BACK ON THE PLATE!

so she put it back like nothing happened to it...
then this weird guy was seeing if he should buy it. took the one the girl bit..

I mean...GAH!!!
Long story short...
It's gross T____T

Then i started seeing the girl every where we went... SHE WAS HAUNTING ME!
ahhh! i'm not gonna sleep well... anyways..
yeah... Markets are cool not unless there's little girl eating things and putting them back so other people can eat what came from her mouth...

heed of warning to all asians...

I'm Rae..

Monday, January 19, 2009


Yay for me! I'm capped! T____T It sucks because that means my internet and downloads are slow...

This is out of the subject.. Just wanted to say it~ and then it connects to the subject.

There's a new Singer/Dancer called TaeGoon [<-----Video link]He's pretty awesome and the beat of the song is really good. The other Cool thing is one of the people helping him Debut was Kim Jae Joong.
That's him..AND THE GUN!HOT!

He's all gangster in the video and well...his hair is still long and bowlishly looking... He gets to hold a gun AND IT GOES BANG! THE GUN WORKED THIS TIME! In the preview all the gun did was click… probably CG –ed it and just made a flash. A BANG! ... Back to the subject.

Yeah I don't really like his Hair cut... the same reaction goes for Yoochun... But when you think about it...Yoochun does have his Hair phases... awkward hair phases.
So I will talk about how his weird… Phases go…
Debut Hair[kiss-uuuu]
I actually forgot when this was...IT'S STILL ONE!

The Long and the Bleached[Peace~]

The Un-Styled.. You know what... Just see the different hair styles he's had~'

Last one! because He's Just so darn adorable and his random Hair Phases~
HE'S TOO CUTE!...can't blame him that he has awkward haircuts~
PICTURE SPAM!~ HEHEHE [I know I'm missing some ...It's cause my files went missing T___T *sniff*]
oh... I was going through my files seeing as i needed to see if i had everything transferred from my old computer[which didn't happen]... I was checking my pictures and i never noticed i had this... so i started checking up on google..and they have A LOT!

anyways [note to Annie if you're reading this: this is what i was talking about]
So yeah~

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Beach and Korean's

Yesterday I went to the beach with some friends...Gah it was so HOT! It was like...37 degree's C[90-98 F] but yeah~ It was an awesome day. We threw Jelly Fish eggs at each other and TRIED to swim to the furthermost part of the water...well as far as they let us go... I was on my tippy toes and my friends were standing flat on their feet. I was literally on my toes!

But before that we went to watch Bedtime Stories. For them it was all their first time watching it...for me...the second. I wanted to go watch Yes Man..But no T____T I don't usually get the things I want but eh~ like any one cares....So... That's where we decided who was going to the beach or not... 2 of my friends weren't allowed to go and 1 just ditched us to go to his friends house.

We Trained it all the way to BonBeach which...was pretty far from where we came from. My friend Matt saw one of his school friends going to Mordi Beach [Mordialloc] they invited him be he decided to come along with us.

And by UN-known reasons my phone turned of and this stupid PUK code came up....meaning I couldn't open my Sim card until I called or knew the stupid PUK code... so I used Jame's phone the whole day.

So we went to the Beach doing what you do at beaches...and watch the Aussie Teenagers get Sunburn with out noticing it until they stood up and touched their "tanned" backs.

After 3 of your friends ditched us to go home...and not telling us. We decided to leave also~ I forgot to bring an extra shirt so I just wore the singlet and swimming top I wore...It eventually dried up. Then we got some ice cream and went back to the station. It was weird because we found slippers and we threw them on the track for no apparent reason.

James,Lisa and Matt got off at Chelsea and there was this weird guy who was like...
"Want a kiss? KIssy Kissy!" to my friends outside and started kissing the window...It was so weird...Me and Estelle just couldn't hold in our laughter~ anyways.

We got of at Cheltenham station. we waited for our bus it came about 10 minutes after. during that time...I met some Koreans.

I was actually singing "Balloons" by DBSK and my friend Estelle told me that she was looking at me every time I sung a new tone or something... then the girl started saying something...I sorta worked some of it out...

"Yah...I'll kill you if you don't find out where we are going"

"Yeah yeah...I'll kill you too~"

It was the weirdest thing i hear...besides the guy on the train. So the girl decided to ask us...In broken English..she was pretty good though. They were Headed to Middle Brighton which was on a different train line... I thought for a while...

I told them that they had to take the Bus to Southland and Take the middle Brighton bus. she said thank you in Korean "Kahamsamnida~"[something like that~] and I said your welcome...she was surprised that i knew what she said...our bus came...and they told this weird old lady which bus to catch... she said no and told them to sit down...I think she was their Tour guide and translator or something...If she was she wasn't doing such a good Job~

I was panicking cause i didn't know if i gave them the right direction...Until I saw the Middle Brighton bus leave the Southland bus Terminal~

By now it was...6 and Me and Estelle went our separate ways and went tired after that~
Me and Ralph decided to Just watch Hana Kimi...and we did~ haha
So yeah~ Pretty random I say..

By the way...

Monday, January 12, 2009

Outing with Filo's [1st Post]January 12

I was Suppose to get a Hair Cut today... as much as i wanted to i didn't... i ended up buying a Chicken bread roll and lot's of random things...I was decideing who to bring to the Outing we planned in 2 weeks...

Outing's with Filos~ ahhh the best thing if you know people.... which won't be a problem seeing as filo's are always connected some your parent's friends relatives cousins... children know you... if you get what i mean... it's mostly the thing that...once your parents know people, people start to know you... thus the connection of the filos.

anyways... yeah outings...can be... Cherry Picking.. which causes Us [Kids] throw rotten ones at each other...and throw all the bleeding [juicy] ones at someone with white on. Beaches... spend the whole time either swimming or CamWhoring... yep i said it..CamWhoring haha~ so many photo's you need so many memory chips... and a whole lot of random outings they can think of. they're fun once it's starts... but when it get to the point where the Adults[Parents and so called supervisors] just talk and talk and talk till you fall asleep and its almost Midnight... it Just gets boring.

Not unless you're at a house that has some sort of Game console or something that will keep you occupied till you hear " Hey we're going.." which never happens because either they start talking again or someone brings out food.

sure sure all sounds fun But!... there's always a But!.... if you DON'T have these things... then you're absolutely Bored out of your mind... Special occasions are ok now and then..when it's for the Adult...well actually if it's a birthday it depends on how old your turning... [if above starts becoming Formal and snappy] if it's just celebrating something random...then...THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!....


I'm Rae Lim...and I'm dead bored....Good night~ hahaha~
Didn't really know what to say! BUT!

I am really exited about TaeGoon's First Debut,[Click on it] because
1. It has an awesome dance
2. Jae Joong is in it and he's got a gun
3.The beat is awesome
and 4. for the sake of watching something..