Monday, January 12, 2009

Outing with Filo's [1st Post]January 12

I was Suppose to get a Hair Cut today... as much as i wanted to i didn't... i ended up buying a Chicken bread roll and lot's of random things...I was decideing who to bring to the Outing we planned in 2 weeks...

Outing's with Filos~ ahhh the best thing if you know people.... which won't be a problem seeing as filo's are always connected some your parent's friends relatives cousins... children know you... if you get what i mean... it's mostly the thing that...once your parents know people, people start to know you... thus the connection of the filos.

anyways... yeah outings...can be... Cherry Picking.. which causes Us [Kids] throw rotten ones at each other...and throw all the bleeding [juicy] ones at someone with white on. Beaches... spend the whole time either swimming or CamWhoring... yep i said it..CamWhoring haha~ so many photo's you need so many memory chips... and a whole lot of random outings they can think of. they're fun once it's starts... but when it get to the point where the Adults[Parents and so called supervisors] just talk and talk and talk till you fall asleep and its almost Midnight... it Just gets boring.

Not unless you're at a house that has some sort of Game console or something that will keep you occupied till you hear " Hey we're going.." which never happens because either they start talking again or someone brings out food.

sure sure all sounds fun But!... there's always a But!.... if you DON'T have these things... then you're absolutely Bored out of your mind... Special occasions are ok now and then..when it's for the Adult...well actually if it's a birthday it depends on how old your turning... [if above starts becoming Formal and snappy] if it's just celebrating something random...then...THEY'RE ALL THE SAME!....


I'm Rae Lim...and I'm dead bored....Good night~ hahaha~
Didn't really know what to say! BUT!

I am really exited about TaeGoon's First Debut,[Click on it] because
1. It has an awesome dance
2. Jae Joong is in it and he's got a gun
3.The beat is awesome
and 4. for the sake of watching something..

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